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  • light of prosperity

    Saturday, August 21, 2010
    today...i had teman my fren to help a foreigner(lecturer at UMP)...
    we talked about names...and he told something that very interesting...
    my definition of my name...
    my name like arabic name...
    the "light of prosperity"

    isn't it interesting??actually i didn't really sure my name's definition..
    but i rarely heard someone that have the same name with me..
    if i found one..the name must belong to male not female..
    hehe..now..i really2 appreciate with my name...
    thanks abah!!..

    p/s : the name choose will affect the personality..
    p/ss: so please choose a good name for ur son/daughter


    still awkward??????....
    xtahu laa nape stil awkward...
    ku rs die ok je...
    ku yg lebey2..
    tp nape xleh nk bergurau senda cm dolu2 kala?
    suma org ckp it takes time...
    but when is the TIME??

    p/s:i'm still waiting for the time to come
    p/ss: should i just be waiting or do something?

    ujian dan dugaan

    setiap hambaNya sering ditimpa ujian dan dugaan..maknanya Allah syg kita..
    alhamdulillah...aku masih disayangi Allah...
    org selalu ckp...stiap peristiwa yg berlaku...msti ade hikmah..
    tp awat kita ni asyik nmpk ujian tu ja???
    bila hikmah dtg..x nmpk..x syukur pon..

    ya Allah ya tuhanku..
    ampunilah dosa hambamu ini...


    Monday, August 16, 2010
    rindu pd ALLAH..
    rindu pd rasulullah...
    rindu pd ibu...
    rindu pd abah...
    rindu pd maksu....
    rindu pd adik bradik..
    rindu nk blk umah...
    rindu nk blk kampung...
    rindu nk raya ramai2 cm ms kecik2 dulu2...
    rindu nk mnja2 ngn abah mcm ms jd 'anak abah' dolu2 kala...
    rindu nk jd dak skolah...

    byk menda yg ku rindui..
    tp suma menda2 ni..ada yg x mungkin dilalui semula..

    hepy bufday

    Sunday, August 15, 2010

    hari ni birthday kawan aku...ahmad zikry afiq...
    smoga pnjg umo..murah rezki..jd anak yg soleh..dpt istri yg solehah..
    ang dh masuk degree...rjn2 laa blajaq..deg x sma ngn dip..
    tp xpa...ku tau ang pndai...hehe...
    cmna pon..gud luck and all the best..!!

    skang ang dh sama umoq ngn aku..ngee~~


    Tuesday, August 10, 2010

    alhamdulillah..tomorow we'll start fasting...
    hope leh istiqamah dlm bln yg mulia nih...
    slmt berposa rkn2..

    ahlan wasahlan ya ramadhan~~

    ganu [bahagian tiga]

    the last part of ganu...after we went to msjd UDM, we meet din (my LI's fren)...just chatting for a while then we continue our journey.

    jmpa din dpn 7e

    1st tempat yg kami p ptg tu adalah msjd kristal...msjd terletak dlm tmn tamadun islam..org ckp xleh solat lam msjd ni..tp bg aku pelik gk laa...awat wat msjid kalo xleh nk smyg..aish..konpius2...aku just diamkn diri dan mengatakan "o0o0o"..hehehe..sbb aku xtau fakta..xleh aa nk hentam2...ni soal agama...btol x??

    tp msjd ni mmg chantek...fizikal chantek...kos pon chantek gk...hihihi..
    ni laa mshd kristal dr pndngn agak jaoh

    pntu gerbang nk masuk taman tamadun islam

    hehe..pict yg mcm kt oversea..msjd sulaiman,turki

    badashahi mosque, lahore, pakistan..

    abu nasr parsa, afganistan

    ni antara msjd2 yg ada lam taman tamadun islam..syiok gk melancong dlm negara..mula2 x sangka replika msjd tu besaq...ingtkn kecik2 ja..rupa2nya, ada yg smpai leh masuk dlm..serius kagum..walopon hanya replika..tp rekabentuk sgt2 sama...alhamdulillah..aku bersyukur dpt gk tgk msjd2 ni..walopon bkn di negara asal..hehe...

    pastu kami truskn perjalanan utk dinner(A&W)...dkt2 ngn pntai batu buruk..tp unfortunately, masa kami smpai tu ujan...xdpt laa nk berjalan2 di tepian pntai..

    inilah tourist guide yg berjaya aka 'GPS nonestop'
    hehe...arigatou to miss diamond

    so..on the next day(last day)..
    kami singgah blk kt pntai batu burok di siang ari..sbb smlm x puas tgk2..

    this is the last final destination...msjd putih aka msjd trapung aka msjd yg duk tayang lam tv time azan2...hehehe..kagum2..

    pasni solat kt cni...kami truskan perjalan pulang..best2..sgt sonok...
    thanks to iqa as peneman setia...

    the next destination is Kelantan...

    ...pantai timur akan ku tawan...